Master (2012)

Director Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Mater talks about how humans influence and are influenced by each other through the relationship between Freddie and Lancaster. The rational Lancaster treats others without hesitation and overwhelms the public with humorous speeches. Although others praise him and call him ‘Master’, they are worried that the loopholes in religious theory will be revealed. I try to fill in my anxious theories through Freddy, and I find comfort through him. Freddie’s alcohol may be poison to others, but to Lancaster, it is an invaluable drink.

Lancaster is the only man who needs Freddie. As much as he needs Freddie, Freddie is also immersed in him. Anyone who rebels against Lancaster’s theory is punished with violent instincts. The blood-related relationship between the two, which cannot be broken, provides a clear answer to the question of whether humans can live completely alone.

The two actors also seem to have pulled out the best performances while being influenced by each other. Joaquin Phoenix portrays Freddy with hunched shoulders and only animal-like instincts, and Seymour Hoffman flawlessly portrays Lancaster’s eyes, which try to hide his imperfect existence with reason. Rather than competing to see who is better, we support each other by pushing and pulling each other.